Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things Change, People Change, Life Is Just One Big Mess

life is harder, you never know what you are going to get, people change, promises are broken, but you just have to keep on living, no matter what, no matter how your life has drastically changed in almost a year, you just have to keep moving forward, believe me i would know, somethings are going to change, and i'm just going to have to bear through them, it's going to be a struggle, but i hope i can do it.
there are going to be many tears, and maybe even goodbyes, but who knows? maybe it'll be for the better, i just don't want to do this, but it's not my decision to make, shit happens, and there are consequences, i don't know what i ever did to deserve this, because i know it is not my fault, but i am one of the 'victims' that has to live through this. and i just want it to end and everything to be better, please?
i'd do anything, just to make our lives better, i am forced to put on a fake smile everyday, because if i cried, at school, everyone would treat me different, like the weakest link, if it wasn't that way, i would cry every minute of the day, you don't know what it's like. A year ago, i thought my life was the best, i had it all planned out for me, i knew what i wanted, and thought i was going to be happy, but then my life just came plummeting down, i'm failing school, i used to be an A student. i've changed, we all have. . . just from one tiny decision.